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Portuguese girls are "p of life" with the "brasucas"-Brazilian women that inhabit the lands of Camões. In the month of August last the magazine Focus, a species of Time lusitana, published materia: "they love it, they hate it. The secrets of Brazilian women ". On the cover a woman in a bikini with the colors of the Brazilian flag. In the internal pages the ten commandments that they-the Brazilian-wear to seduce the man ".
The story also brings tips on how to seduce guys. Who has not heard of the incredible power of seduction of Brazilian women? His knack of being and be? Their affectionate form of talk and mimo? The care you have with the appearance and body? The way "crazy" men!
Worshipped by men, hated by women, the fact is that in Portugal the Brazilian are successful and are, among all foreign women, the ones they marry. Just in 2009 happened 2216 Brazilian weddings with lusitanos.

To top it off, Naicker hairstyle, launched in Portugal the book the secrets of Brazilian women-to keep the men madly in love. The book promises to turn the chicks into seductive woman and teach techniques for driving his men.
In the synopsis of the book the Brazilian writer asserts that "there are many women worldwide who die of jealousy whenever a Brazilian comes into play. They feel insecure, fearing that their partners if they enchant ... Let's be honest: in most cases, have reason to be afraid. Is that Brazilian women are really "hot" and try to ease the opposite sex! But it is important to realize that they are by nature. Effortlessly. Don't do it intentionally. And important information to retain is that works! All women should want to know how and why. "
Admittedly, the Brazilian women, in addition to sculptural bodies, know some techniques and secrets for driving his men.

But keep your wits about you oh guys and girls:

Not every Brazilian is just butt!